Monday, November 8, 2010

Mark Bittman's Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

I'm a recent convert to the Brussels sprouts following. My mother never cooked Brussels Sprouts, so I never ate them until I left home, or more specifically until last year when Mark Bittman posted this recipe on The Minimalist. After eating these splendid tiny cabbages in many variations, I have decided that Brussels Sprouts + Bacon+ dried fruit=the best way to eat Brussels Sprouts.

So to inaugurate the beginning of Brussels sprouts season I prepared the recipe that turned me onto them in the first place.

Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Dates (adapted from Mark Bittman's Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Figs)

1 pound Brussels sprouts ( I used 2 pints, this comes out to about 40 sprouts)
6 slices of thick cut bacon, chopped into 1/2 inch pieces
a large handful of dates,which is about 1/2 cup, quartered (you can also use raisins or figs)
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar,
salt and fresh ground pepper
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup water or white wine

1. Fry the bacon until just crispy in the pan you plan to cook the sprouts.
2. While the bacon fries, you can shred the Brussels sprouts in your food processor with the slicing attachment. Or if like me, you've lost this attachment, slice the Brussels sprouts to get the shredded effect. Then quarter the dates.
3. Remove the bacon from the pan, and add the Brussels Sprouts, dates, 1/4 cup water, salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally for 10 minutes until the sprouts are tender.
4. While the sprouts are cooking, toast the pine nuts for a few minutes over low heat in a small pan to release some oils and add a bit of crunch.
5. Turn up the heat to medium high, add the bacon and pine nuts and balsamic vinegar in with the sprouts, stir, and cook the mixture until all the liquid evaporates.

I ate my Brussels sprouts with a thick steak and roasted potatoes which turned out to be a delicious Sunday night dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Just seen this...and so glad you're converted to brussel sprouts...our Cold Spring crop has been very good this year, so Sam will be getting LOTS over the weekend, and I agree Bitman's variation makes them really quite delicious.
    Have a happy Thanksgiving..S says you'll be cooking with other friends...and we hope the interviews are going well too....Deborah
